Our Company was founded in 2002
«Our Company was founded in 2002. »
We have proven experience in:
several medical equipment design and development,
performing medical and biological researches,
research and development projects of military, tactical and emergency medicine,
testing protective properties of special equipment
developing a bench base for assessing damaging effects of extreme factors.
To learn more, reach us at info@spmt.ru, and we’ll come back shortly.
We have proven experience in:
several medical equipment design and development,
performing medical and biological researches,
research and development projects of military, tactical and emergency medicine,
testing protective properties of special equipment
developing a bench base for assessing damaging effects of extreme factors.
To learn more, reach us at info@spmt.ru, and we’ll come back shortly.
194044, г. Санкт-Петербург,
ст. м. Выборгская, ул. Чугунная,
д. 20, лит. А, пом. 25Н
Многоканальный телефон:
+7 (812) 329-54-80,
+7 (812) 329-38-08
e-mail: info@spmt.ru